Our Publications

Labour Youth publishes a regular newsletter called The Left Tribune. This is usually published three times a year and features contributions from LY members on a broad range of topics. 

We also regularly publish policy documents on a wide range of topics relevant to our membership.

2010 Conference Motions

Motions passed at the 2010 Labour Youth Conference in Maynooth - http://issuu.com/labouryouth/docs/motions_passed_at_2010_youth_conf

Left Tribune June 2011

Left Tribune June 2011 - Featuring articles on ECOSY, USI, and Poverty - http://issuu.com/labouryouth/d​ocs/june2011

Left Tribune March 2011

March 2011 Left Tribune featuring articles on Labour Youth's role in the new administration, Shell's Role in Nigeria, and Net Neutrality


Left Tribune September 2010

September 2010 edition of the Left Tribune with articles on Youth Unemployment, the British General Election, and GMOs


Left Tribune July 2010

The July 2010 edition of the Left Tribune featuring articles on Civil Partnerships, Facebook, and Stem Cells


Labour Youth Policy Paper 2010

The motions for the last four party conferences collated into one policy paper

Labour Youth Position Paper on Third Level Fees

Labour Youth's position on the issue of Third Level Fees. This is a red line issue of the organisation and one which we have campaigned on numerous occasions over the past three years